The Foursquare Global Council (GC) is a body of respected and distinctly elected international pastors and leaders who serve designated terms in an eldership capacity in behalf of our global Foursquare family. 

The purpose of the GC is to advance the Kingdom of Christ to reach the nations, bringing hope, salvation and restoration through intentional and proactive collaborative partnerships in a united vision as led by the Holy Spirit.

Comprised of the Regional Chairs from each of the denomination’s 16 regions across the world, the Council also includes those who are invited to serve in the capacity of advisors and/or non-voting members of the Global Council.

The early beginnings of this global connectedness began in the spring of 1982 as the First Global Leadership Conference was held at Lake Arrowhead, California. This event stirred the hearts through prayer and fellowship to aim for the higher call of a true international family in Christ. 

Other unifying conferences were held over the years, but the 2012 Global Summit in Phoenix, Arizona saw the fresh beginnings of a new season. Dr. Glenn Burris, Jr., the elected Chair of the Global Council, helped to lead the GC into an intentional future as the elders from the 15 regions took the divinely appointed call as a mandate of ministry for this generation. 

The mutual passion to nurture, train spiritually support and offer guidance when invited by the regions was expressed and framed through the establishing of Six Global Distinctives. Those and other values are following:

Foursquare Church

Global Council mission statement

To develop healthy, culturally appropriate, reproducing national church movements.

Divinely Call





Other expressed value

The wonder of this Council is that it has begun to embrace the intrinsic value and giftedness in every nation and culture. Each brings a “diamond facet” element that helps reflect another’s worth. Laboring side-by-side the global Foursquare Church is experiencing a refreshing new unity that is building a solid, long-term commitment to press into all that it takes to stay connected.

This is a journey; not a race! It is understood that true synergy and partnership grows out of mutual trust, and this takes time. There is no hurry; yet the GC will not delay to take the steps motivated by the voice of the Lord in our midst.

Since the Lord created each person in His image, as we are taught in His Word, there is no higher calling than to rise to the place of understanding that God—before the foundation of the world—knew us and longed for all (from every nation and culture) to know Him and to become everything that He intended us to be – “His own special people . . .” (1 Peter 2:9).

The Global Council leadership believes that the Lord endows us with the heavenly perspective that we see others in that same light. When we do, we become passionate to reach the world with the hope of Christ!